Mito 820

Black.nuna | 8:53 PM |

If haven't is fed up with ponsel TV tuner and dual on GSM, maybe new draw from Mito it can become judgment. In attendance with clamshell's design, design that unusually to ponsel TV tuner,even also is not first time it is applied on ponsel TV. But on draw 820 it, folder is display it can be turned around and is positioned in such a way face, so becomes ponsel's prop while is placed at flat. So not necessarily memegangi ponsel's fuss while watch TV's broadcast.

As more as it, really no a new one that is on the market ponsel this. With with ponsel ponsel another China origin –meski this carry local brand. Little bit thing which rather makes it in contrast to ponsel ponsel any other is, silver colour veil one robes body exterior. And so contrast with colour inner, one that bounded up by solid's black color.

ponsel Mito's display 820 can utilize portrait's alae and landscape. To utilize it landscape's ala not necessarily turns around bodi ponsel, adequately turns around display towards right and auto ikonik's menus also transposed as landscape. Theme that is featured on course portrait and landscape also different. Fairish display 3 aught inch on Mito 820 comfortable enoughs to be accessed eyes.
Examination: Accessing menu with condition of display portrait and landscape.
Point: 3,1
Note: To enable positioning moving display self acting has to be done by arrangement on characteristic's display menu.

There is direct access switch to watch TV's projection. Antenna TV that dipanjangkan can until 25 cm. If is turned around to landscape's position, changed display becomes widescreen and more cozy is seen to watch TV. To look for channel TV ensures area arrangement have be at Indonesia. There is 17 channel that can be kept on ponsel. TV's broadcast quality last lovely to ponsel TV's measure, evenless if is watched outdoors.
Examination: Watching TV Via Ponsel's Metro.
Point: 3
Note: Better display tuning in a state landscape to get maximal image.

vendor mengklaim's party Mito's camera 820 gets forces 1,3 Mpix. But in maximal rev examination for pictured just one par with VGA'S quality namely 640 x 480 pixels. Arrangement that is provided is still standard, as white balance, multishot, night is mode, and also zoom. But its comic, while are mode take photograph is activated, zoom on the contrary can't be utilized. On the contrary, while at switch goes to video mode, zoom bisaberfungsi new.
Examination: Photographing hall extern.
Point: 2,9
Note: Have no knobbed direct access.

As most ponsel ponsel China origin, rather few ribet to can turn around music. Because, first time shall ensure music file was inserted to folder My Music. Winding its music can't detect music file that beyond folder that –termasuk who is at memory card. Its own's voice quality is goodly lovely. Balance trebel and enough bass awakes, so even is set soundly, voice doesn't be heard cempreng. To maximize voice just can rely equalizer's arrangement. FM's radio feature with 30 channel options can become music amusement alternatives.
Examination: Listening song Still Love of Box band group.
Note: For via's music feature FM's Radio have broadcast recording ability on schedule that prescribed.

Messaging's facility backs up to order SMS, MMS and Broadcast Message. To order SMS, its writing character can be more than 160 characters. Stored capacity orders SMS at memory ponsel is 250 order. 130 orders to order ingoing go to Driving Licenses 1, and 120 for ingoing order goes to Driving License 2. To differentiate send away for ingoing go to Driving Licenses 1 or 2, at left orders available numeral symbol 1 and 2.
Examination: Transferring SMS'S order is more than 160 characters.
Point: 2,8
Note: no facility emoticon.

Mito's wireless connection 820 for mentransfer and accepts file rely Bluetooth. While is utilized for mentransfer music file as big as 8,3 MB, eating time 2 minute 22 seconds. File dispatch walks flawless without interference. We can utilize data cable to joint ponsel with PC computer. File transfer of PC goes to ponsel utilizes data cable shall utilize Mass Storage's mode. While is ponsel linkedding to PC, battery automatic will be filled.
Examination: Music file transfer.
Point: 3
Note: Slot for data cable is at a part left ponsel.

Feature Call Secretary can be utilized as answering machine while we lazying to lift telephone call or be can't lift it. We can manage that time incoming call can be answered by Call Secretary. E.g. 10 seconds or 20 ponsel's afters second rings. Call secretary will answer call according to voice which we record. Result records voice for Call Secretary is kept in WAV'S format.
Examination: Doing call to Mito 820 and then appointed by Call Secretary.
Point: 3
Note: Call secretary can be accessed on Extra's menu.

multimedia's facility as music and camera gets to walk with every consideration. Bodi ponsel who can function as prop while watch TV really prop our convenience. Evenless with display support that adequately broad. dual ON GSM's function also good walking while is utilized to do call.

Battery performance
Mio's battery stock 820 gets force 1150 mAh. vendor's party withholds information how long battery can withstand in the period of alert or bicara. In sell package is of service two batteries. Done by ujicoba to watch TV's projection and listens music with condition of inlay full. Up to two ponsel's hours stills can withstand and menyisakan 1 bars.

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