Benq Siemens EF51

Black.nuna | 8:55 PM |

Music is now become one of feature which hardworking tilled vendor ponsel. With their breakthrough sort indulge its user candidate. Its prove, now appearance nots ponsel changes it is winding modish music. Besides, its music feature even is designed as gigantic as winding another electronic music. As one that dikenalkan BenQ will Siemens.

EF51 utilizes patron candybar's design with flip to close keypad numerik. Actually designs this type have rather obsolescent, but BenQ Is Siemens gives distinguishing with artistic touch. Material elect e.g., chosen by plastical stuff that solid. While of selection colour available two namely black and white. Cellular tries ponsel prototype with colour white its image one kindred winding iPod's popular music. With measure 89 x49 x 18 mm and heavy 95 gram makes EF51 looked rather broad. But just after, while was held by this ponsel makes a abode ergonomis and cozy is utilized.

EF51'S display measure made by bujursangkar with size 2,8 x 2,8 cm. Measure this as big as really doesn't outgrow but enough regular keeps all nine ikonik's main menus. Colour display purpose 256 thousand TFT with rev 120 x 128 pixels fair to middling unclouded and sharp to be utilized enjoy multimedia's menu as photograph and also gamete.

While is enclosed flip You can access music menu MP3 straightforward from keypad. This keypad's formation typical with musics winding switches. Besides for music, You can't access menu any other while flip's switch is closed. While is flip open, suguhan keypad numerik and navigation key five aims was available. Just darling, navigation key for sectioned onto (up is menu) rather berimpitan with flip's bounds so little bit wents hard with while memencetnya.

As feature of superior, BenQ is Siemens descries it not acts to present winding MP3. At main menu, winding MP3 it is packaged in entertainment's menu and there is umpteen option within reason winding other music as setting voice, equalizer until song list arrangement. Cellular tests this feature with set Toxicnya's song Britney Spears, its result is song pounding effect this heard okay even if issue from speaker don't from headset. Are understand of, EF51 has utilized 3D surround sound so sound effects of songs can be heard maximal.

Camera stock 1,3 megapixels enough may be equal to. But, function that just as tool of photograph and is not video recorder may become to reduce this feature point. To photograph, BenQ is Siemens provides various feature as selection as file measure of 1280 x 960 pixels to the greatest until 128 x128 pixels divides wallpaper. While aughts another facility be contrast arrangement, self timer, until face mask as guiding as while will photograph object.

Memory banking capacity requirement that big its absolute taste needed for ponsel winding music as EF51 this. BenQ is Siemens attaches internal memory until 20 Mb. If it is perceived less, EF51 also being designed can adopt external memory card affix SD's mini type. To manage a variety file which is at ponsel this is of service manager's file that at conceive of media centre. With this facility, multiple diverse file variation can be easily to manage if will at move, doubled or is erased.

As smooth as to favourite siteses to be helped by GPRS'S supports brazes 10 at ponsel this. To utilize it, was available setting WAP automatic (inject proxy setting) one that can be chosen according to operator which is utilized at Country. Cellular tests to service it input goes to WAP'S sites new that built by JM Zacharias at http's address://tagtag. com / is zacharias. Its result for input to go to this WAP'S sites needed by time just six seconds. While for downloads wisata kuliner at Salatiga needs time four seconds.

Besides music, EF51 provides amusement facility medley as game and FM's radio. For game, BenQ is Siemens provides two innate games at ponsel this prototype namely Rotate and Skater. Both of artificial Java format end game iScreen this performs by gameplay plain. But, both enough comforts while You be have leeway. If even is fed up with game, You can enjoy FM's radio facility that has also been installed into ponsel this. Just as always, You shall utilize headset to enjoy favorite broadcast.

For connection to go to other digital device, EF51 provides USB'S facility and bluetooth. Cellular tests bluetooth facility by accept one song file MP3 Toxic Britney Spears from ponsel bluetooth other. Needed time to accept well-nigh fairish file 5Mb this enough so long namely 14 minutes. While to transfer one file takes photograph to go to bluetooth ponsel other eat time 30 seconds for file as big as 131 Kb.

As ponsel that mengunggulkan facility all the way music, EF51 can tell to meet the need thirsty user amusement. Mark sense external memory facility e.g. point out BenQ's demureness Siemens backs up EF51'S performance. Mark sense winding special switch music which is at flip really makes easy to turn around song MP3. But since strictly for one its function, menu access goes to other facility just can be done by opens flip, one that maybe unbusinesslike to some people. Of wireless connection flank, even have available bluetooth but devoid infrared may slightly become reduces facility to do data transfer.

So too support electrifies that at Li's battery supply Ion 870 mAh can keep EF51'S performances until 200 alert time hours or 4 bicara's time hour.

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