Dopod M700

Black.nuna | 9:02 PM |

Dopod descries it not patchy till mobile handheld's market. Evident, a variety draw dikenalkan goes to public at Country. One of it is M700. PDA Phone this casts a glance at to perform simple. But if little bit thrifty observes, we can conclude Dopod give unique accent on quits it.

Dopod gives unique accent under display namely scroll wheel which can revolve 360 degrees. Its function is water down menu commutation while we don't want to access it stylus's pass. In the middle scroll wheel, Dopod menambahi with track pointer. To utilize this accent, we can activate mode the mouse at setting's menu. After active, at display will emerge arrow sign that can be moved within reason we utilize the mouse at computer.

There is two camera function namely take photograph and video recording. Even without flash, we make a abode can hope on 2MPix's camera purpose CMOS this. To amount to facility espouse photography mode as white balance, effect, shutter sound, until flickr adjustment. Meanwhile for video M700 can record until one more hour hinges of memory accessibility. Usufruct this video recording is goodly lovely even available few delay.

Meanwhile to turn around music, M700 can turn around various file type amongst those MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, and AMR. To enjoy sajian this music, we can utilize Manager's Audio facility. With this facility, we can manage song and singer list and while enjoy that song will emerge song title with size font outgrows. Besides music file, there is too FM's radio facility. Menu at radio FM this enough komplet as keeps 20 facility following radio stations autosearch. To activate this radio, we must plug headset that functioning as radio antenna. Since speaker less maximal, there is it is better You utilize headset while enjoy radio or music even.

As smooth as to Internet can do GPRS'S network pass or Wi Fi even. There is facility auto setting to enjoy via GPRS's Internet. Adequately chooses card's Driving License that is utilized, setting directly goes to Internet may simply successful. While is tried for input to go to Detikcom's news sites just needs time 10 seconds to open main pages. While with Wi Fi 802.11b / g, we can surf over hotspot. Its result is enough fast, as when open's sites, need time 22 seconds to see sites face appearances this.

Battery completes PDA Phone Li Ion 1200 mAh by tries a fall 5 bicara /'s time hour 200 alert time hours. Usufruct test for default purpose, PDA Phone this can withstand to be more than four days. This condition of can changed if our frequent going multimedia's application

This PDA Phone's performance may tell to satisfy. To do a variety activity multitasking, M700 that melakoninya can. As when listen song while photograph, or gets SMS'S ship while listen FM's radio. Mark sense scrollwheel and track pointer adds PDA Phone's performance freshness this because we are not very dependent on stylus.

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