Black.nuna | 8:48 PM |

What that can't sih be done China manufacturer? Its prove, making ponsel legendaris Nokia's copy, break even E90 what does beken by the name of Communicator, also feels equal to be done. That one was done By Imo, one of local brand usufructs Chinese manufacturer production, with new draw one was named BY IMO G9. Form and its appearance quite a similar but unlike Nokia E90. Its difference available on speaker at inner, and ornamen is just flower menenggelamkan this glamornya ponsel's image.

The difference that signifikan just available on “ jeroannya ”. Feature that is immersed on G9 is ponsel's standard feature middle class bottom. No support mobile broadband kind of 3G, evenless HSDPA, as one of Communicator's proprietary original. Whatever available Only GSM'S network 2G. Don't bargain for too there is Symbian as operating system, or setidaknyawindows mobile. Operating system that is utilized is ponsel ponsel's job lot operating system China output.

Are hard deny if be seen at a glance, G9's form and appearance is Communicator E90's rubbing. Even port canal formation its even is the image of that Nokia's champion. Even have shorter measure from E90, IMO G9 adequately give convenience while is utilized even is gripped. Its fold hasp most flexible count and demulcent so gives convenience while open closes G9. Just only, proprietary wight ponsel this enough heavy, to one ponsel that is not smart ponsel.
Examination: manual measurement, mengenggam and keeps it in pocket
Point: 2,7
Note: Ornamen is flower at elbow speaker, what needs?

keypad is this ponsel's frontage enough indulge user finger. Ergonomis and soft. Little bit tender touch was enough to make that switch active react. In contrast to switch – switch at sectioned face, keypad is interior just slightly have constraint. Gum and rather hard. For user what does have big jemari, on the contrary more fuss again since tatanan is rather switch cowded. Fortunately, display provedes with ponsel touch (touchscreen), one that can help to settle keypad's constraint in that dragging.
Examination: writing SMS and typing long
Point: 2,8
Note: fastkey is menu navigation is assessed as stage of smart that make easy user while works to utilize ponsel this

Camera that took in by IMO G9 actually enough is equal to take image, well indoor or outdoor even. Quality / its rev reaches 1,3 MP. Even image which resulting to experience interpolating (forcing image to reach pixel particular), but resulting image still can for look. Camera position less close-fitting and enough wents hard with while we will take image. We must open cover beforehand to take image. Its picture taking position reducing even cozy.
Examination: meta is file utilizes imaji's processor.
Point: 1,9
Note: on 1280x960's rev pix (interpolating) resulting pictured quality adverse.

multimedia's access at ponsel this enough easy. Evenless with be given knobbed shortcut to access winding music. Voice quality really rather adverse. Shrill and break at volumed tall. That thing gets to be tolerated since this ponsel's segment really is not for competes at multimedia's sector. Therefore speaker which took in by IMO G9 also just mono linear.
Examination: turning around bits medley music and tempo
Point: 2,7
Note: Adequately is equal to for bit and slowing tempo. Detail is voice is still get to be heard

Writing laconic order (SMS) at ponsel this enough agreeable. Similar to ponsel any other at its class, total character who can be written deep 1 page is 160 characters. Unhappily no feature long message at ponsel this. To easy writing, medium provedes with ponsel “ Text's Format ”. In it You can do Style's arrangement, as Bold, Italics, Underline and Strikethrough.
Examination: Writing SMS (50 – 360 char) with object's sort in it.
Point: 3
Note: While type SMS at outer display, never opens cangkang ponsel this. SMS will get lost from display.

While open cover (cangkang) ponsel this, we adequately agaze by Internet Explorer ikon present (IE) in it. We find time to bethink that this ponsel's operating system is Mobile's Windows Microsoft. After been analyzed farther, apparently IE that just trik's of party vendor. Not IE sooth. Maybe its aim strictly for give browser's function id to user. Ponsel this not very flawless in accesses sites. Besides arrangement few network profile elaborate, shaking with even network rather long time and unstable tend.
Examination: opening sites medley
Point: 3
Note: browser proprietary IMO G9 this over elaborate deep arrangement process and its operational navigation.
Besides GPRS as canal passes by to universalize virtual, IMO G9 also dibekali with domestic connection peripheral among media, e.g. PC. Sync USB readily being utilized if You want to link IMO G9 with computer. There is surprise which rejoice from ponsel it while is linked to PC. You will be treated 3 peripheral's mode type, which is: storage's media, webcam and syncronization's media. Function third that walking properly.
Examination: Partner pc (peer to peer)
Point: 3
Note: webcam's activation rather few eat time and little bit elaborate

Battery performance
IMO G9'S battery reasonably been raised thumb. After do examination up to 36 nonstop's hours, ponsel is active does browsing's activity, game, turning around song and communication (telephone), ponsel stills to keep 2 battery indication bars (full 3 batteries).

IMO G9 adequately give satisfaction while is utilized. Besides bandrol relative price achievable, design constitutes proprietary flashy thing by ponsel it. Function and aught feature in it have point under averagely to ponsel be brazed. Internet connection and camera becomes dot most this ponsel's frail than other feature that ditawarkanya.

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