Dopod 595

Black.nuna | 9:04 PM |

After blasts off ponsel clamshell S300's smart, Dopod returns to blast off smartphone's draw Dopod new 595. Difference with S300 that dibekali Mobile's Windows operating system 5.0 PDA'S versions, Dopod 595 immersed by Mobile's Windows operating system 5.0 smartphone's editions. Besides, this break even also gets connection stock go to network 3G one be now being serious be made ready its service by operators.

Dopod's appearance 595 on the contrary more kindred ponsel candybar to weigh smartphone gets Windows basises. Connection 3G makes it becoming kindred with ponsel modish vendor vendor ponsel's output at the fore.

Even dibekali mumpuni's operating system, Dopod's display 595 appearance is not with one most sophisticated, just 65 thousand TFT'S colors. But it little bit most doses with QVGA'S display rev 240 x 320 pixels and measures 2,2 inchi. By having as it, menu appearance appears unclouded enough and sharp, evident while is utilized to access photograph menu or video even.

While for purpose amenity, Dopod makes many kustomisasi switches as aught under display available direct switch goes to call's video and Internet. At left side and body right ponsel is of service shortcut volume switch, camera, and micro type external memory slot SD.

As ponsel 3G, don't marvel if ponsel this smart appearance with dual camera. For external camera utilize rev 1,3 MPix CMOS, meanwhile it internal camera uses 0,1 MPix CMOS. Internal camera function this besides is utilized for video call that difungsikan can also to take photograph self (self potrait). For need photographs, there are several facility that membekali break even new it e.g. self timer, zoom until 8x, white balance, effect, shutter sound, until flicker adjustment. Result takes photograph this camera most okay count, visually while takes photograph by rev be outgrown (1280x1024's measure) at transfer goes to computer. Just darling, external camera doesn't be proveded with flash so rather few handicap if photograph light reducing object. Besides photograph, this camera also functioning as recorder of video. There is two rev who can be chosen namely 128 x 96 and 176 x 144 pixels and three record format options namely m JPEG, MPEG - 4, and H.263. Video record result appears okay enough, meagrely delay and recorded voice is told clear.

Urusan hiburan terutama musik juga melengkapi seri ini. Dengan bekal Windows Media Player 10 Mobile, ada beberapa format musik seperti WMA, WMV, atau MP3 yang bisa disetel dengan kualitas suara oke. Seperti saat dicoba mendengarkan satu lagi dari Ebiet G. Ade berjudul Untuk Kita Renungkan, yang dicopy dari komputer ke Dopod 595, suara yang muncul terdengar jelas dari speaker yang ada di bagian depan dan belakang ponsel.

Untuk fasilitas perkantoran, Dopod 595 menyediakan berbagai fasilitas. Untuk mengecek dokumen, tersedia software ClearVue untuk berbagai format file seperti dokumen, pdf, power point, dan worksheet. Tapi karena namanya hanya viewer, Anda hanya bisa melihat tanpa bisa mengedit atau membuat file baru. Khusus untuk email, perangkat ini memungkinkan Anda mengakses push email asal server yang terhubung menggunakan Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2.

Dibekali baterai Li-Poly 1190 membuat Dopod 595 mampu bertahan hingga 5 jam waktu bicara dan 220 waktu siaga. Dicoba selama sehari, strip baterai tetap penuh. Penggunaan dalam kondisi standby.

Sayang ponsel ini belum bisa dicoba untuk layanan 3G karena saat dicoba pada Oktober belum ada operator yang mengkomersialkan layanan tersebut. Selular mencoba kinerja akses GPRS ke situs resmi Windows Mobile. Dibutuhkan waktu sekitar semenit untuk masuk ke situs tersebut. Sama seperti di PDA yang berbasis Windows Mobile 5.0, di smartphone ini juga tersedia download bar yang mengindikasikan sudah berapa persen situs tersebut didownload.

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