Samsung SGH-P520 Armani

Black.nuna | 9:12 PM |

One of six Samsung's product segment is Style. At this segment, Samsung fills it by blasts off labelled ponsel Giorgio Armani with quits SGH P520. This first time its Samsung works to equal fesyen's tag distinguishing for ponselnya's product. As ponsel fesyen, telihat's design is lightsome with aluminums material wrapping and stainless steel. Its measure just as big as charge plate.

Ponsel this knobbed minim. Available switch on frontage just call and switch switch closes to wait for call. Indeed, with its knobbed minim this ponsel's operation utilize finger touch on display. ponsel fesyen's concept with finger touch really is not is first because LG has once work to equal Prada blasts off ponsel by accesses full touch screen. Yielding following essays Samsung Armani who done by cellular:

On bodinya that categorised cute, Samsung Armani has display that adequately prop eye convenience. Colour sharpness until 262 thousand by use of TFT'S type display. All aught menu on ponsel was accessed to utilize finger touch. To menscroll menu onto or downwards did by menyapukan finger on display. While access can menakan icon direct that is wended or presses icon check list's pictorial(? ).
Examination: kesensitifan's zoom display while accessed by finger
Point: 3,1
Note: font's measure and little number at display so enables its incorrect happening press.

Ponsel fesyen belongs to Samsung this dibekali with camera gets to try a fall 3 MPix, one that proveded with by flash's lamp and auto in focus. To access camera in store direct access switch at starboard ponsel. camera stapler result can edit to utilize editor image feature that can be accessed on menu "Application". Ponsel this have internal memory 60 MB so can keep all quite a lot photograph files.
Examination: Menjepret draws in hall.
Note: arrangement for camera multiple diverse, so result jepret can maximal

Fairish Ponsel cute it has ability turn around music that doesn't succumb with MP3 player. In store arrangement equalizer to adjust with music type that being turned around by. If hear music via headset, heard secretory voice more unclouded. Winding music on Samsung P520 that multi tasking can, so user can get order ship or opens another feature at a swoop listen music.
Examination: Listening The Best Thing's song belongs to Mocca.
Point: 3
Note: Music that being turned around by will be featured on background while ponsel in a state alert.

Ability gets to transfer order who can be done by ponsel Armani is SMS, MMS, SOS message and enamel. To be able to gets enamel ship, user gets to do setting beforehand enamel. Send away for SMS or MMS that dikirm can at a swoop to a lot of insider one group or accord desirable contact list.
Examination: Typing SMS'S order on keypad virtual.
Point: 3,1.
Note: No QWERTY Keyboard to get order ship

File and photograph share goes to other peripheral can utilize via's connection Bluetooth. A2DP'S Bluetooth technology also ala is immersed that frees hand more user while listen music. User can substitute Bluetooth peripheral name that easier being recognized ponsel versus. Besides Bluetooth ponsel this can most link with computer. To menshare document goes to computer need software as Sync's PC.
Examination: Transferring video file from ponsel goes to computer to utilize Bluetooth.
Point: 3.
Note: Ponsel can function as flash memory while is plugged to computer.

Are not merely call up and SMS, ponsel this can be utilized to help knockabout activity. Feature who can be utilized is calendar to remind user event will be of important, voice recorder to help records voice. Another feature that can be utilized is calculator, alarm and stopwatch.
Examination: Utilizing calendar as commemorating as.
Point: 3.
Note: In one date, can be utilized to remind some schedule

Internal memory that is immersed on ponsel this 60 MB and can at expansion again utilize micro SD's type external memory until 2GB. External memory was inserted to go to ponsel with hotswap's system, so not necessarily again opens casing back and takes down battery. Its memory slot is at ponsel's left part. All file on Samsung SGH P520 is kept in My's menu File
Examination: Keeping photograph file
Point: 3.
Note: Samsung SGH P520 can keep kantoran's document, as word, and reads it.

Battery performance:
With many feature most now that is immersed on ponsel fesyen berlaber Giorgio Armani this, Samsung membekalinya with battery gets to try a fall 880 mAh. In condition full and is utilized for medengarkan music, then calling up and gets order ship can withstand until two-day.

Ponsel that its operation with this finger touch have display that sensitive while being accessed by finger. Just just measure font and number that gets pocket edition to reduce convenience while utilize particular features.

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