Nexian NX-G900

Black.nuna | 8:43 PM |

While there is person which issue NX G900 of its case, may become forthcoming being suspected BlackBerry's peripheral, notably quits Bold. Its form is almost with, its color also. Then keypad qwerty ala BlackBerry furnished with –bedanya's red colored number jejeran number at places at keypad's intermediate position.

But if is seen more brooding, clear ketahuan that that only BlackBerry's kindred peripheral, alias nyaru becomes BlackBerry. Trackball who becomes specification at BlackBerry, substituted by navigation key four aims. While is its active display, ketahuan if its quality under BlackBerry. But ponsel it is dedicated for Facebook's yearner. User can easily access the most popular social network at that virtual the world, since at its main menu was available widset as ikon of pictorial binds books ajar get font logo f.

No setting GPRS's problem handicap, since model one it has special collaboration with operator XL. So, so ikon Facebook at clicks, can logarithm direct in, provided that pulse suffices and smooth network. Besides, ponsel this also provide chatting's facility, enamel, browsing, multimedia. dibandroll's price as big as Rp999 thousand. Hmmm.. fair to middling pulls.

Its own display measure was standard for convenience to wink. But its own screen look quality is still close-fitting pasan. Information from vendor calls ponsel this dibekali LCD TFT'S type color. But is seen from its screen look quality as doesn't reflect TFT'S type display. Its screen look on the contrary nearer to CSTN'S type screen look.
Examination: featuring staplers yielding photograph its camera
Point: 2,9
Note: display gets landscape's orientation last cozy while browsing

This is interesting and as its superior. Can become Nexian is first local brand that adopts keypad QWERTY'S type. Obviously, typing SMS or enamel becomes faster as compared to keypad numeric ordinary. keypadnya's formation all but equal to keypad QWERTY belongs to BlackBerry, just different symbol's position and number to ring.
Examination: typing SMS
Point: 3,5
Note: To type symbol that tertera at key, alt's press earlier

Two again feature trend this squashy can access its user. To browsing provided by pre Mini Opera installing, meanwhile for chatting provided by eBuddy Mobile messenger's application version 1.1 popular enough one. Before enjoys chatting we has to make akun eBuddy before by inserts severally parameter as username, password, date of comes into the world, enamel address, and gender. Both of feature it lays in folder Java at main menu.
Examination: opening mobile's sec sites, making akun eBuddy
Point: 3
Note: lingual menu option at eBuddy, in store indonesian

Camera quality descries not it becomes pledge, even can photograph and videotaping since maximum just result rev 640 x 480 alias VGA. To videotape a maximum rev it is 176 x 144 piksel in avi's format. Usufruct video recording and reasonable reducing photograph as pledge, can become just as auxiliary as. Even just after available many arrangements as white balance, effect, night is mode, timer, and other lan.
Examination: photographing building object on sunny morning
Point: 2,8
Note: usufruct photograph and sharp reducing video recording

Besides “ clever commune ” at Facebook and chatting, Nexian don't forget to complete musics winding medium. Mentransfer is enough mp3 file is easily, by use of USB'S mini cable. So linked to computer, will memory automatic that most sandwich at ponsel this. Usually chip microSD will be recognized on drive:F or g at computer. We shall place mp3 file into folder my music on that microSD's chip is detected on list song. Enough secretory voice loud, quality problem? Uncrannied while digeber on volumed maximal.
Examination: mentransfer severally mp3 file
Point: 2,9
Note: are not furnished equalizer

This feature can also become associate medium. We can monitor songs that be all the go terminological favourite radio station. FM's feature Radio lies rather in, of main menu comes in submenu multimedia, and she lies at 7th thread. Before utilizes it we shall headset's fuse as aerial as extern. FM's feature excess Radio in here is can record broadcast and scheduled. Besides can also look for self acting radio station and keeps it.
Examination: recording broadcast one of radio station
Point: 2,9
Note: record quality not very good.

Having standard konektivitas, which is USB'S mini cable and bluetooth. USB'S port and konektor's tip have default that generically, so can be utilized on other peripheral. Besides aught port so efficient, can be utilized for charging, data transfer, and as konektor headset. Bluetooth one completes it enough is easily interact by ponsel any other.
Examination: mentrasfer binds to take photograph, MP3, and bluetooth pass video and USB'S cable
Point: 2,8
Note: moving avi's format video file fairish 2,2 MB from NX G900 goes to ponsel othering to need time 1 minute 6 seconds.

Wholly this ponsel's performance okay for associate at Facebook and also chatting passes eBuddy. Unhappily to setting enamel is still manual, eventually Nexian NX G900 there are many give amenity on another feature. Card Dual On's Driving License slot, dual standby walks good.

Battery performance
On examination term up to three-day, utilized for Facebook's update, turn around severally song MP3, and opens's sites, battery is still 2 bars of indicator 3 bars that visually.

Music: 104dB
Ringtone: 97. 2dB
Human Voice: 96. 1dB

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