Sony Ericsson W508

Black.nuna | 8:42 PM |

Sony Ericsson seems to be doesn't tire get innovation at quits walkman phone. This time vendor what does get station at this London, merilis new W508'S draw. This break even performs by clamshell's design last flimsy, nearly take after Sony Ericsson T707's basic design. Completed by StyleUp Cover's facility enable this draw user can make W508'S extern appearance more personal with commutating cover accords option. While, its feature may tell komplet despite is not coming with modish feature.

Pulling it, Sony Ericsson membekali is this draw with Facebook's application and Youtube. So as we photograph to take photograph and want mengunggah (upload) to akun Facebook, was available direct access with adequately really knobbed pencet ship. While divides Youtube's sites beneficiary, mark sense that innate application make access as more simpel, without needs input to go to browser Internet earlier.

In a flash appearance W508 appears elegan with cover's wrapping plastic who can be substituted appropriate wish. Bodynya really is not as thin as ponsel other fold but was enough thin to be bagged to cloth pocket. Significant which is utilized on body ponsel this appears from impressive option material ponsel this comes in jajaran ponsel fold that adequately luxurious.
Examination: Analyzing detail ponsel's design and appearance
Point: 3,2
Note: There is pengunci cover the back to ensure us was right put together cover.

With measure 2,2 inchi, really display ponsel this can result hall that adequately comfortable for ikonik's menu while seen by eye. With colour depth 262 thousand TFT, presented image at this display is looked okay, specifically for enjoy game with sajian rich color.
Examination: Opening menu and analyzes graphics appearance while play gamete
Point: 3
Note: While is ponsel utilize in the sun, screen look becomes not very maximal.

Camera provedes with Ponsel 3,2 Mpix that lies at cover's part front. This camera function can be utilized to photograph or even videotapes qualified QVGA at a speed 15 fps. Severally facility completes this camera as burst (multishot), nightmode, until white balance's arrangement. Since doesn't be completed puts off the light flash, this camera will result maximal photograph if is utilized for outdoor with condition of light enough.
Examination: Photographing object in and outdoors by use of maximal rev
Point: 3
Note: after menjepret there is direct option for mengunggah to take photograph goes to Facebook's sites. Ensure us can activate operator data service before utilize this facility.

This is proprietary superior facility ponsel break even walkman, don't except at W508. There is a number supporting feature at winding this music as TrackID to know title from cuplikan song and also sense I who manage song that our tuning correspond to our mood that time. walkman phone's standard facility as stereo as widening and equalizer Megabass also being attached. Voice quality that is featured will feel transparent while we utilize headset stereo. This voice will decrease its quality while we listen it speaker's pass.
Examination: Listening Boom Boom Pow's song from Black Eyed Peas from speaker and headset is stereo
Point: 3,2
Note: Winding music can be utilized to utilize application concurrently (multitasking)

By having technology HSDPA, ponsel this have ability accesses presto data and good. browser's webbed support from NetFront Access also feels maximal evident while be utilized to open some sites, its appearance is almost can as descry in origin at desktop. Easy other is featured too over setting's accessibility automatic Internet that can be substituted appropriate operator card that we utilizes.
Examination: Input goes to Folder Google connection that is at Location Services's menu. Needed by time around as minute as to ensure cellular office position in Maps's Google appearance of satellite
Point: 3
Note: In store search's Google facility and there is link special to download application goes to application sites that provided by Sony Ericsson.

This one of feature which also pulls at this draw. With motion's facility censor, presented game enough varying. There is three gamete those are featured namely Bowling, III. FMX, and Guitar Rock. At game serves a ball bowling, to throw ball, we shall move ponsel with movement throws pretend aptly play bowling at the site sungguhan. Fair to middling, can make body little bit berkeringan because keseringan gesticulates.
Examination: Compete at bowling competition arena at brazes bronze, silver, and gold
Point: 3,3
Note: Utilize memelintir's tactics serves a ball on second throw if serves a ball remained bowling remain a or two seed.

Connection business goes to other digital peripheral utilize bluetooth band 2.0. Besides can be utilized for mentransmisikan data, bluetooth it also adopt A2DP'S technology to enjoy music goes to bluetooth headset stereo. This bluetooth performance passably, evident while utilizing to accept music file of computer as big as 4,2 Mb just needs time 22 seconds.
Examination: Transferring file 4,2 Mb from ponsel it goes to other ponsel Sony Ericsson
Point: 3
Note: Ensure bluetooth not active while don't be utilized connection to economize battery

Ponsel gets to design this nice wholly have performance fair to middling. Starting up just needed by time few seconds only, while for basic feature as voice call the capturer signal also most good count. Facebook's application and Youtube what do be famous as one of innate pull that can be featured at this draw.

Final score: 3

Sony Ericsson mengklaim ponsel this Lithium this Ion can withstand until 400 alert time hours and 10 using up time hours (2G) or 4 hours for 3G. Of examination, that alert term really is not as claim because while be tried can withstand until five days. If is utilized to turn around music at all times internet access plus, faster battery resistance is depleted.

Music99,8 dB
Ringtone100,1 dB
Human Voice95,7 dB

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