Sony Ericsson Xperia Pureness

Black.nuna | 7:31 PM |

Dissatisfy with N97, Nokiapun blasts off Nokia N97 mini trusted one can keep on Nokia's legend as chief as market at ponsel's market Country. Bebagai is repair is put on on ponsel this. Particularly size its physical. Accord by the name of it, N97 Miniing to have briefer measure than quits NPureness who have this X5's code just have standard feature. Even has no camera, even can be utilized to see picture result downloads. Its display is even just black and white (monochrome). But don't false, just at display this is that X5.97'S hog in advance.

Xperia Pureness attends with concept that aptly in contrast to Xperia X1. Pureness is one of masterpiece Sony Ericsson for ponsel stylist's category. Are not one smartphone, even supported HSDPA.
While is Sony Ericsson (Soner) announce that they merilis break even new one was given by name Xperia Pureness, one that appears is one ponsel pelanjut Xperia X1's smart, one that so champion Soner to smartphone's category. But while see new ponsel it, shadow in point of fact that false. Xperia Pureness is not one ponsel smart. It is one ponsel stylist that attending with all its grace.

No a pack ponsel's typical application smart as one is at X1. Pureness who have this X5's code just have standard feature. Even has no camera, even can be utilized to see picture result downloads. Its display is even just black and white (monochrome). But don't false, just at display this is that X5's hog. Its display is transparent, as made from water glass, one that enable screen look can be seen from front and the back (indeed with appearance position flips over).

ponsel's form and appearance this actually simpel just, one bar which minimalis. But is consumed with nuasan futuristik. Concept designs as this really one of Soner's force. In a state standby, all symbol and number at keypad gets lost, its display not also features whatever. This makes as paduan thick glass rasher upon one metal's abatamen black.
Examination: Analyzing body's dent and ergonomis's aspect.
Point: 3,4
Note: Pureness adopts cohesive design, with permanent rigged battery. Cover can't be opened, since becomes one unity.

As part which have strongest impresi at ponsel this. X5 becomes ponsel first that utilize transparent display as it. But its own performa less satisfies. Text appearance and color menu ikon white, in view dim at place is redup slightly, and sinking on condition of with sunny light. This rather cozy reducing at winks.
Examination: Featuring menu and text ikon.
Point: 2,3
Note: Menu can be featured by single's mode ikon

Having design that futuristik, with big knobbed measure. Added by enough keypad material soft, making comfortable keypad while is utilized. Number and font on the button new appearance while backlight blazes. This makes in a state standby, seeming keypad as cut as black plate only.
Examination: Analyzing keypad's design and tries keypad's switches.
Point: 3,4
Note: At right side and left available volumed regulatory switch. on / off's switch just is at rear end, exactly under display.

Herein Soner points out its force at music aspect. Even be not been designed as ponsel music, and also only at bekali winding music with arrangement merely it, even quality regular its voice output fascinates. Particularly if listened by headset's pass. equalizer megabass's option so feels its bass effect. But voice output passes speakernya so-so, on the contrary tends break.
Examination: Turning around song in format MP3, over speaker and headsett.
Point: 3,4
Note: As usually, backed up by TrackID to research song info. In store too jack adaptor to jack 3,5 mm.

This feature included ponsel's best flank this. dibekali is with bluetooth and data cable. It bluetooth performance pretty good, can mentransfer file MP3 as big as 2 Mb just in the period of less than 10 seconds. While synchronization with PC doesn't need to process that elaborate. Its function as modem can also do bluetooth pass.
Examination: Mentransfer filelewat bluetooh and synchronization with PC
Point: 3,3
Note: If doesn't be required, better bluetooth mortal because gets to deplete battery

This feature is saved at entertainmen's menu. Its internet connection is supported broad ribbon band HSDPA (download) and HSUPA (upload). If HSDPA'S signal coincidence is caught, its internet connection quite a speeding. Was completed setting automatic, one that waters down user. One that so remove is appearance at display, one that rather small and rather opaque.
Examination: Opening Internet menu and browsing goes to one of internet site.
Point: 3,2
Note: Carrying on TrackID with HSDPA'S support quite a cozy.

Have no external memory slot. But its internal storage capacity huge, 2 Gb. Indeed a lot of room remains that can be used to keep various file. Toh, ponsel this be not been positioned as respondent smart ponsel can keep various king-size datas.
Examination: Keep and opens file.
Point: 3,3
Note: Mengecek is memory capacity is at organiser's menu, and option's press, vote for state memory.

Even appearance it as ringkih, Pureness has performance that nicely. Particularly on musics winding feature, konektivitas and its Internet. Initially, while starts up, really few latish. But afterwards, all well-oiled. Its performance as telephone set also lovely.

Battery performance
According to party vendor, used on network 3G, battery can back up talk up to 3 more hours, with standby's time 350 hours. But on examination seemingly robustness battery not up to that. Even application which is carried on not overdose.

Music: 103,9 dB
Ringtone: 104,2 dB
Human voice: 94,7 dB

Audio Measurement result

Music 98,9 dB
Ringtone 105,2 dB
Human Voice 74,4 dB

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