Nexian up series

Black.nuna | 8:06 AM |

HP Nexian up New 2011 - With the increasing need for people to socialize via mobile telecommunications devices have an impact on the increasing variety of social networking applications on mobile devices.

If before we had heard rumors about mobile phones which will be released by facebook facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) then Nexian as one mobile phone manufacturer in Indonesia come to enliven the market with HP menluncurkan up Nexian.

Nexian re-launched the official mobile phone use applications developed for Facebook, thereby providing a different experience for users, because the design looks to follow official guidelines from facebook, with the aim of providing the maximum experience for the user.

Facebook Nexian It is an application to access facebook at designated specifically for handset users nexian and have direct automatically pre-loaded / embedded into the handset models nexian.

According Martono, Nexian up series were developed in the handset called the Beat TV, TeleMax and SPEED 2, this is a facebook application with features that facebook complete and not just a shortcut to the WAP site from facebook, he said.

Of all the features of the Nexian up, make 3 series hape this nexian more interesting, and not less interesting as well with the advantages and distinctive product of the 3 series Nexian up for this.

Not only is a full feature, series Nexian up this also is equipped with application-browser Internet applications, chat applications such as Messenger, Yahoo Mobile, MSN, Skype. Nexian application which is the work of the Son of the nation also participated in the implanted on this phone are: Nexian Messenger, Nexian Music Card Player and Nexian Zone.

Series Nexian up is bundled with the largest operator and the largest network in Indonesia, where every purchase Nexian up series of consumers already get a new SIM card sympathy from Telkomsel.

In addition, in the case fiturpun Nexian up so complete, because not only contain the News Feed feature, Profile Friends, Photos, Messages, Events, but there is also the addition of very interesting features for facebook users via mobile phones including:

Features Add Shortcut (Add to Favourite)
This feature as the main advantages Nexian Facebook, where Facebook users can make friend's profile or the group that became a favorite show on the main page application up making it easier for the next access.

Push Notification Feature
This feature can be used to display the notification of the activity that occurs in up such as: schedules, new messages, friend requests, new comment and other activities.

Features Group up
This feature is relatively new for facebook applications on mobile phones, where this feature can be used to monitor the group is on facebook account users. In this group the user can exchange information.

Contact Importer Features
This allows you to upload data no.handphone / email from the phonebook into a facebook account user. The advantage of this feature is to provide a suggestion friends not in the add contact to Facebook users.

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